Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Ahmad Berwari of Iraq: The Germans Make No Sense

Ahmad Berwari, the German representative of Iraqi Kurdish opposition group PUK, had this to say about German unwillingness to oust Husseinin Der Spiegel: "Dies ist eine besondere deutsche Sicht von einer Regierung, deren Wandel wir nicht verstehen. Die Bundesrepublik war im Jugoslawien-Konflikt ein Falke, jetzt spielt sie Taube. Das leuchtet uns nicht ein. War das wegen der Wahlen? Oder ist die Bundesrepublik in einer wirtschaftlichen Lage, dass sie es sich jetzt gar nicht leisten kann, Milliarden für einen Krieg auszugeben, wie es im Golfkrieg um Kuweit geschah? Vielleicht denkt die Bundesregierung auch, dass es für sie wirtschaftlich unerheblich ist, ob der Irak mit oder ohne Saddam Hussein regiert wird. "

To you and me, that means "That is a uniquely German view from a government whose shifting positions we don't understand. Germany was a hawk in the Yugoslavia war, now it is a dove. That doesn't make sense to us. Was that because of the [German] elections? Or is Germany now in an economic position that it can't afford the billions for a war, as it did during the Gulf War over Kuwait? Maybe the German government believes that it's economically irrelevant whether Iraq is ruled by Saddam Huseein or not."

Maybe they "Just don't like Bush" ...which is a stupid way to run a country but very European. I didn't like Clinton much and found it odd he chose to bomb Iraq on the day his impeachment hearings were to begin, but I don't remember him asking the UN for permission to do so and I don't remember the Germans saying a word about it ... especially Schroeder, who you'll recall led all of the 'peace protests' against an attack in 1991. Oh yeah, that's because they were making money violating the UN sanctions.

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